Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Emergency" & "Excuse" = Same Sign in One Location

"Emergency" and "Excuse" = same sign in one location. True biz, caused confusion!!



Deaf Pixie said...

Interested! I always signed Emergency with two hands while I will say "E" and "E" mean emergency. Excuse is different. I think ASL sometime not clearly with excuse by the person made mistaken with

It is different words for excuse than I thought. They should say Fire alarm with two hands to let you know it is emergency.

Really very confusion for me,too.

John Lestina --- said...

The one you show sign "e" for excuse me is SEE so you need to change and educate them to sign 'excuse me' in ASL (

Anonymous said...

Why do you watch yourself signing ??

Do you watch yourself signing with mirror at any location talking to your friends?

Your eye contact with vlog suck!

Next time, don't look yourself talking!

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

Yes, I can see that. I'm confused with one sign. When they sign two words, "memorial and burial" same sign for both words. I misunderstand easily! So, I need to ask them, is it memorial or burial by spelling.

I'm glad you shared it.

deafk said...

John ABC -

Yes, I agree that this sign 'E' for excuse belongs to SEE. However, everyone signed that one. I complained about that sign considering inappropriate. They told me to leave it alone! So, they need someone from their area to correct that!!

deafk said...

Me looking at the video...

It wasn't easy. I had to check whether my signings are inside the frame of the video.

I guess I have to change the approach..


deafk said...


I just checked with video commenters in DeafVideo.TV...

I wanted to make it clear that this situation occurred ten years ago, and I do not work there anymore.

Thanks. deafk

Deaf Pixie said...


I am very surprised they dont respect your ASL instead to force you to use S.E.E.

S.E.E. language is very confusion me. I cannot understand why they refused to learning as ASL.

After I read the comment by deaf people who sent you and Be aware that the Communication is very important to key to clearly to understand instead of not willing to learn ASL if they prefer to use S.E.E. It is kind of conflicted the words.
I complete understood you are no longer employer there. It was happened over 10 yr ago.