Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Choosing a Deaf baby is criminal" wrote Daniel Finkelstein!!

Hi, since you guys are interested in something you would like to read about, I looked around, and found an article that I should share with you. Tomato Lichy was mentioned here in this article. I thought I better reveal this with you, I mean, I would not even bother to collect the information if it were not like this... I think it is serious subject that you guys should pay attention to.

"Choosing a deaf baby is criminal" written by Daniel Finkelstein. He lives in England. He is not even agreeing that the embryo omission is eugenic. His description on this is rather alarmingly dangerous, in my opinion.

Thank you, deafk

Deaf. Deafie. Deafies. Mildly Deaf. Medium Deaf. Sereve Deaf. Profound Deaf. Deafened. Deaf.


Lit' One said...

Isn't that crazy? What if we were destroyed before we were even born? Miss out in life? It's mind boggling. What if hearing people become deaf later, will they be destroyed also? There are so many what ifs.