Sunday, February 3, 2008

DeafRead Live Feed Experience!

Hi, folks!

So, we found out who won what caterogy last night...yeah. To my surprise, it was fun being at live feed video and live chat.

While we were waiting on line for the live feed video, we chatted. Yes, there were live chat, like we did before at Gallaudet or wherever it was. It was incrediably experience by chat with the OTHER vloggers and bloggers. We got to know each other a little better by seeing their responses or reactions to the sayings... it was fun. I think the live chat is still ongoing. Also, I learned that DeafRead also offers Live Feed for any event. Awesome.

Then I watched Live Feed video. It was fashionably late, or DST, that is Deaf Standard Time. Just fifteen minutes late. Not bad, tho. Then the video got frozen a few times before it went smooth. The size of video was rather smaller than we would like it to be. The quality of video was superb. There was Joey signing as M.C. He did very good job.

Suddenly, the live chat was ongoing while guests on the stage signing. It was fine with me, BUT, grinning, the live chat moving like space each time that annoyed my sensitive eyes, lol. I even mentioned, "shhh, I am paying attention.." I knew no one ever bother to cope well with that, anyhow... I put up the paper on the livechat instead so that I could pay attention to the signing of the guests and Joey on the live video. But then, on and off I had to look up the livechat to see what JJ Puorro had put down the vlogs' and blogs' names, and caterogies, because the video was rather small to catch the message.

Hmm, the guests looked great, and their clothes looked great. On the small video, clothes do make different. Some color of clothes made signing harder to see or understand. That is something we need to remind ourselves what color we should wear for signing before videotaping.

16 awards were announced. The winners were named. I could not recall all of them, cuz I was not at myself with colds. DeafRead will post the awards in their official blog soon. The vloggers, bloggers and others showed up on the stage to announce the caterogies and winners. They waved at us, the viewers. They were making sure we could see their signings. They even showed the awards upfront so that we could see the names on the awards. The awards looked like glossary paper with fancy design on it. Very nice looking.

Then there was DE who announced the concept/idea caterogy. He made a brief skit on the v/blogs' names. Then I saw my name spelling out. It was a nice feeling that it was announced in public. Yeah, I remember who won the caterogy... Amy Cohen Efron.

Congrats to all those who won the awards. The awards was voted by people. That tells a lot and it surely makes me think what the people really want from the vlogs and blogs.

I want to thank Sprint and Paul Rutowski for making this possible. I (and v/bloggers) appreciate that the conference, banquet and awards were provided. I am in confidence that from the conference DeafRead will improve to be a better service to all of us!

Again, thank you for the nomination!!

Thanks, butterfly, like me...deaf


LaRonda said...

Nice to read your comments about your experience on the live feed viewing end of the conference. We really did try to focus on the viewers out there and we felt you were right there with us. I smiled too, when your vlog was mentioned.

~ LaRonda

deafk said...


i just checked the live chat... it is still alive... see, we could set up the time for five of us or ten of us to chat... ain't that cool?


DE said...

:) Wish you were with us in person! See you at the next DeafRead conf!


Joey Baer said...

Oh yea, we definitely had a blast time. Thanks for sharing your experience. THumbs up!