Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TAYLER!! Those DeafVIDEO.tv Front Pictures?? YUCK!!

TAYLER!! Those DeafVIDEO.tv Front?? YUCK!!


TAYLER! I object!! I hate the idea of seeing another bad picture showing up on DeafVIDEO.tv again and again... Tayler, please be considerate and be thoughtful!! I have emailed to Tayler and all he said was changing the pictures. I have done that all the time. However, I get stuck with DeafVIDEO.tv's front picture... I feel offensive by seeing the badly picture taken and stuck on DeafVIDEO.tv. First impression is very important, and yeah, I do not get much hits, or numbers, due to the "ew" pictures!!

No one talks about this, so I do this!! I have the guts to do so!!! TAYLER! My front pictures are probably the worst!! It may be due to my extreme expression??

Tayler, I am pretty sure that the other vloggers get embarrassed with the DeafVIDEO.tv's front pictures and they cannot do anything. They are affected by those blah pictures... Vloggers, please tell in the comments that you agree with me about the front pictures.

I flip up and get fed up with this. I want to do something... Please come on, Tayler... I have left the video comments with badly front pictures for you to listen!

TAYLER! Your job with DeafVIDEO.tv ain't FINISHED... NO ~ NO ~ NO!! Smile!

Thanks, Butterfly, like me...Deaf

Up to Date: The word, front picture, may be confusing... I am trying to find the term for the still video picture on DeafVIDEO.tv's page... I was thinking of front pictures, maybe new term, front picture, maybe different term...? Someome called them still videos. I mean for DeafVIDEO.tv page with pictures... Some of them are horrible! That is the subject I have tried to explain. Those are new to me... Thanks. Butterfly


deafk said...

P.s. If you are interested, there is 32 plus video comments in DeafVIDEO.tv. Just click the video twice or thrice until you enter DeafVIDEO.tv...

Anonymous said...


I found your blog site and was browsing your vlog and blogs. Somehow I was curious about this blog about the front pictures in Deafvideo.

I do share your feeling about this. The front picture is called video thumbnails.

You could change it as soon once the video went into live broadcast in Youtube after you uploaded it. You will need to click on "edit my video" and change thumbnails. It will change the picture in Deafvideo some time later. I had done it once but I am not sure if it will work in Deafvideo few days later after you first uploaded.

Good luck,


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